The Stories They Tell, A Journey of Remembrance Book on 9/11


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The Stories They Tell,  A journey of Remembrance Book on 9/11. From the National September 11 Memorial Museum.  A journey of remembrance.  Foreword by:  Michael R. Bloomberg. Introduction by:  Joe Daniels. Edited by:  Clifford Chanin and Alice M. Greenwald.    This is by far one of the most powerful collection of artifacts on display at the National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York City, New York.  The site of the terrorist attack on the USA.   An opportunity is offered to readers to embark on a journey of remembrance with a long, lasting record of that infamous day in our history.  Both the text and photographs, tell the story of 9/11 through a selection of evocative objects from the Museum’s collection that serves as a touchstone to The Day and its aftermath.  From a crushed FDNY fire truck to steel columns that were pierced as hijacked planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims’ property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated this material to the Museum) to spontaneous memorials from around the world.  Such poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street stairscase – which offered an escape for hundreds fleeing, to a loved one’s wedding band or the      last recorded phone message, illuminate a range of experience, emotions and responses both during and after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Shocking and heart-wrenching. Let us never forget.   Mostly color photographs with some black & white.  Softbound.  Pages 160.