History’s Anteroom – Photography in San Francisco 1906-1909. Boo


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History’s Anteroom – Photography in San Francisco 1906-1909. By:  Rodger C. Birt, with Photographic Descriptions by Marin R. Nathan.  HISTORY’S ANTEROOM offers you about the most compressive collection of vintage photographs made in San Francisco, California.  In April of 1906 San Francisco Bay Area fell victim to a powerful earthquake, and in October 1909, San Francisco hosted the ‘rebirth’ with a celebration named the Portola Festival.  The photographs and illustrations reproduced in this book are mostly extremely rare while others have never been seen before.  The authors have accomplished a feat with their close, careful reading, along with the specific historical context, bringing you on to a journey, back into the early history of the twentieth century and its first greatest urban catastrophe. Photos are B&W and Sepia Tone.  Pages 161. Softbound.  Book Measures approximately 11 inches wide X  8  1/2 inches high.